National Assembly Library of Thailand

The odyssey /

Zamorsky, Tania.

The odyssey / retold from Homer original by Tania Zamorsky ; illustrated by Eric Freeberg. - New York : Sterling Publishing, 2011. - 152 p. : ill.; 20 cm. - Classic starts .

CHAPTER 1: Odysseus and Penelope --
CHAPTER 2: Athena Helps Odysseus --
CHAPTER 3: Odysseus on Calypso's Island --
CHAPTER 4: Odysseus Arrives at the Palace --
CHAPTER 5: Odysseus Begins His Tale --
CH APTER 6: Odysseus Continues His Tale --
CHAPTER 7: The Living Visit the Dead --
CHAPTER 8: Odysseus Finishes His Tale --
CHAPTER 9: The Phaeacians Send Odysseus Home --
CHAPTER 10: Odysseus and Telemachus Meet Again --
CHAPTER 11: The Hero Comes Home --
CHAPTER 12: Odysseus Shows His Strength --
CHAPTER 13: Odysseus Is the Eagle --
CHAPTER 14: The Trial of the Axes --
CHAPTER 15: Penelope and Odysseus Meet Again --
What Do You Think? --
A Note to Parents and Educators --
Classic Startstm Library.


Odysseus (Greek mythology) --Juvenile literature
Greek Literature

PZ 7 / Z35O 2011
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