The constitution of Japan
Sharan, Parmatma
The constitution of Japan - New Delhi : Meenakshi Prakashan, n.d. - 111 p. ; 22 cm.
1. INTRODUCTION The Land and the People-Constitutional Development in Japan upto 1888-The Meiji Constitution and Constitutional Develop- ment upto 1945-Framing of the Present Constitution-Salient Features of the Constitution. --
2. THE EXECUTIVE The Emperor-Cabinet under the Present Constitution- Organisation and Working of the Cabinet-The Prime Minister under the Present Constitution. --
3. THE LEGISLATURE Composition and Elections-Organisation of the Diet-Committee System and Auxiliary Organs-Powers of the Diet-Relations between the two Houses-Legislative Procedure-Financial Procedure. --
4. JUDICIARY AND RIGHTS AND DUTIES Growth of the Judicial System-Organisation of the Courts- Rights and Duties of the Citizens. --
5. NATIONAL AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION National Administration-Civil Services-Local Administration. --
6. POLITICAL PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS Growth of Party Politics upto 1946-Party Politics since 1946- Characteristics of Party System-Important Political Parties- Party Programmes-Interest Groups.
Constitutional law -- Australia
Constitutional law -- Japan
Japan -- constitutional law
KD35.J3.6 S52C
The constitution of Japan - New Delhi : Meenakshi Prakashan, n.d. - 111 p. ; 22 cm.
1. INTRODUCTION The Land and the People-Constitutional Development in Japan upto 1888-The Meiji Constitution and Constitutional Develop- ment upto 1945-Framing of the Present Constitution-Salient Features of the Constitution. --
2. THE EXECUTIVE The Emperor-Cabinet under the Present Constitution- Organisation and Working of the Cabinet-The Prime Minister under the Present Constitution. --
3. THE LEGISLATURE Composition and Elections-Organisation of the Diet-Committee System and Auxiliary Organs-Powers of the Diet-Relations between the two Houses-Legislative Procedure-Financial Procedure. --
4. JUDICIARY AND RIGHTS AND DUTIES Growth of the Judicial System-Organisation of the Courts- Rights and Duties of the Citizens. --
5. NATIONAL AND LOCAL ADMINISTRATION National Administration-Civil Services-Local Administration. --
6. POLITICAL PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS Growth of Party Politics upto 1946-Party Politics since 1946- Characteristics of Party System-Important Political Parties- Party Programmes-Interest Groups.
Constitutional law -- Australia
Constitutional law -- Japan
Japan -- constitutional law
KD35.J3.6 S52C