National Assembly Library of Thailand

Co-actorship in the development of European taw-making : the quality of European legislation and its implementation and application in the national legal order /

Hirsch Ballin, E. M. H.

Co-actorship in the development of European taw-making : the quality of European legislation and its implementation and application in the national legal order / Ernst M.H. Hirsch Ballin and Linda A.J. Senden. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2005 - 1 แผ่นsd., col.

Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Juristictions of the European Union

European legislation
European law -- making
Law -- European Union countries
Legislation -- Euroipean Union countries
Legislation -- Euroipean Union countriesLaw -- European Union countriesEuropean law -- makingEuropean legislation
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