National Assembly Library of Thailand

Unofficial translation of the constitution of the republic of Maldives

Hussain, Dheena

Unofficial translation of the constitution of the republic of Maldives - 2008 : Ministry of Legal Reform, Information and Arts, 2008 - 114 p. ; 26 cm.

1. Constitution. --
2. Republic of the Maldives. 3. --
Territory of the Maldives. --
4. Powers of the citizens. --
5. Legislative power.--
6. Executive power. --
7. Judicial power. --
8. Supremacy of Constitution --
9. Citizens.. --
10. State Religion. --
11. National Language --
12. National Flag. --
13. Currency of the Maldives. --
14. Capital --
15. National Day. --
16. Guarantee of Rights --
17. Non-discrimination. --
18. Duty of the State. --
19. Freedom from restraint. --
20. Equality. --
21. Right to life. --
22. Protection of the environment --
23. Economic and social rights. --
24. Privacy. --
25. No slavery or forced labour. --
26. Right to vote and run for public office. --
27. Freedom of expression --
28. Freedom of the media. --
29. Freedom of acquiring and imparting knowledge. --
30. Freedom to form political parties, associations and societies. --
31. Right to strike. --
32. Freedom of assembly. --
33. Right to protect reputation and name. --
34. Right to marry and establishment of the family. --
35. Special protection to children, young, elderly and disadvantaged people. --
36. Right to education. --
37. Right to work. --
38. Right of pension. --
39. Right to participate in cultural life. --
40. Right to acquire and hold property. --
41. Freedom of movement and establishment. --
42. Fair and transparent hearings. --
43. Fair administrative action. --
44. Personal liability. --
45. No unlawful arrest or detention. --
46. Power of arrest and detention --
47. Search and seizure. --
48. Rights on arrest and detention. --
49. Release of accused. --
50. Prompt investigation and prosecution. --
51. Rights of the accused. --
52. Confessions and illegal evidence. --
53. Assistance of legal counsel. --
54. No degrading treatment or torture. --
55. No imprisonment for non-fulfilment of contractual obligation. --
56. Right to appeal. --
57. Humane treatment of arrested or detained. --
58. Compensation. persons. --
59. Retrospective legislation --
60. Prohibition of double jeopardy. --
61. Publication of acts and regulations. --
62. Retention of other rights. --
63. Voidance of laws inconsistent with fundamental rights. --
64. Non-compliance with unlawful orders..--
65. Application to court to obtain a remedy --
66. Voidance of laws inconsistent with rights and freedoms. --
67. Responsibilities and duties. --
68. Interpretation. --
69. Non-destructive interpretation of Constitution.


Constitutions -- Maldives
สำนักงานเลขาธิการสภาผู้แทนราษฎร เลขที่ 1111 ถนนสามเสน แขวงถนนนครไชยศรี เขตดุสิต กรุงเทพฯ 10300
The Secretariat of the House of Representatives 1111 Samsen Road, Thanon Nakhon Chai Si, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, THAILAND
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