National Assembly Library of Thailand

Constitutionalism and the role of parliaments

Bradley, Anthony W, ed.

Constitutionalism and the role of parliaments - Oregon : Hart publishing, 2007 - 275 p. ; 24 cm.

Series Editor's Foreword --
Preface --
List of ontributots --
Part One National traditions of Parlimentary Law: Towords a European Model?
1. Constitutionalism and the Role of Parliaments AW Bradley, Katja S Ziegler and Denis Baranger --
2. Parliamentary Law and Parliamentary Governments in Bratain: Some Historical Remarks Denis Baranger --
3. The Formation of Parliamentary Law in France Pierre Avril --
4. Parliamentary Law: The Germen Experience Fabian Wittreck --
5. The Law and Custom of a New Parliament: The European Parliament Sionadh Douglas - Scott --
Part Two Parliaments and the Executive --
6. Cabinet as the Leading Part of Parliament: The Westminster Model in Europe Armel Le Divellec --
7. Parliaments and the executive: Old Contral Rights and New Control Contexts in Germany Christoph Gusy --
8. Executive Power, in Foreing Policy: The Dicision to Dispatch the Military Katja S Ziegler --
9. Separation of Power, Puplic Law Theory and Compurative Analysis Nicholas Bamforh --
Part Three Parliamenta, the Courts and Human Rights --
10. Judicial Independence and Parliaments The Rt Hom Lady Justice Arden DBE --
11. Why Should Judges Be Independent?: Reflections on Coke, Montesquieu and the French Tradition of Judicial Dependence Luc Heuschling --
12. Independence of the Judiciary in Germany Gernot Sydow --
13. Making Parliamentary Rights Effective: the Role of Constitutional Courts in Germany Pascale Caning --
14. The Paliamentary Protection of Humman Rights Keith Ewing --

European Parliament
Seperation of powers
Parliamentary law -- France
Parliamentary law -- Germany
Parliamentary law -- Great Britain
Constitutional history
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